On Monday, January 22, 2024, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals ordered the appointment of a lawyer to protect clients and close the practice of deceased attorney J. Michael Anderson.

The case is entitled “Office of Lawyer Discipline Counsel v. J. Michael Anderson,” with case no. 23-730.

According to the court order, the Office of Lawyer Disciplinary Counsel had filed a petition on December 21, 2023, seeking immediate action due to Anderson’s death. The petition requested the appointment of a lawyer to safeguard the interests of Anderson’s clients and shut down his practice, as outlined in Rule 3.29 of the Rules of Lawyer Disciplinary Procedure.

The Supreme Court authorized the Honorable Robert E. Richardson, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Greenbrier County, to appoint an attorney to serve as trustee. As trustee, the appointed lawyer will be tasked with protecting Anderson’s clients and properly closing his law practice.

A copy of the original filing can be found here.