On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the Supreme Court of Louisiana accepted a joint petition for consent discipline involving attorney Adam John Verret. According to the ruling, Verret will be suspended from practicing law for six months, with three months deferred. He will also be placed on probation for one year following the active portion of the suspension.

The case is entitled “In the Matter of Adam John Verret,” with case no. 2024-B-00105.

The petition stems from an investigation by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) into allegations that Verret engaged in consensual sexual relationships with two clients. Before formal charges were filed, Verret and the ODC jointly proposed the consent discipline terms. In its per curiam ruling, the Court reviewed and accepted the petition.

Verret’s probation will commence once he and the ODC draw up a formal probation plan outlining the conditions he must abide by. These conditions were not specified in the Court’s order. However, any violations of his probation or further misconduct during the probationary period could result in the deferred three months of suspension being made active or additional discipline being imposed.

The Court ordered Verret to pay all costs related to the disciplinary proceeding in accordance with Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XIX. He will be responsible for legal interest on these costs accruing 30 days after the judgment is finalized. With the consent discipline terms now in effect, Verret will be suspended from practicing law for the next three months before beginning his one-year probationary period.

According to avvo.com, Mr. Verret is an attorney in attorney in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He acquired his law license in Louisiana in 2018. 

A copy of the original filing can be found here.